everything's different now

+ we went to port alberni. it always feels like going back to 1986 somehow. i love the ferry, the highway, the bookstore, the restaurants. starting in horseshoe bay it's a different province. we came home and took a week off. i spent several days doing nothing but reading. it was a strange limbo, in a sense - i'd started work on the 21st, but couldn't go back until the new year because everything was closed. the break was good, though.
+ that first week in the office was strange, not in the least because i didn't have a key. now it's normal, and wonderfully so. i feel on top of my game, capable and credible. for better or for worse, i feel old.
+ in a sense i've forgotten what i do here. maybe everything is different now.
+ when the snow goes i feel as though i haven't taken proper advantage of it, that a golden opportunity has passed by.
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