robson square

at this point, my only concern is to finish the fucking paper and, hence, this semester. is this the wall? maybe, but i don't think so. i'm capable of doing this, it's just a lack of motivation that's keeping me down. i think i'll get through my degree without hitting the wall. after that it's easy. (hah!) i'd like to stop writing papers. i'll take an exam any day. but i don't want to write another paper.
my only excuse is a self-destructive streak paired with the pressure of high expectations - my prof noted on my draft, "i am expecting an A paper from you; don't let me down!" so of course i have. what now? at least 1000 more words. before 12 noon today. it's possible that i simply won't sleep. which is great, considering my presidential debate scheduled for 12:30. at least i have 30 minutes with my handlers for coaching and preparation. what did kerry say that killed him? "global test"? yeah. i won't say that. reagan had some killer lines back in the day, though. it's morning in america. remember how nixon resigned before he was impeached? yeah. that was smart. nixon always was underestimated. i used to be, once upon a time. now i'm this big asshole. another reason that this will be my actual last campaign. fuck this shit.
it's morning in america.
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