rifles in their hands

i've finished minus time, and may move on to rules of engagement, also by catherine bush, next. i started it today; it's really good, again. 40 pages in, it reads as definitely more mature than minus time. helen was unquestionably still growing up and sorting her childhood out. arcadia has her own life. it seems as though this novel will address my long-standing concern with polisci students; they learn all about how the world works, but consider themselves all to often 'above the fray', too studiously removed to treat actual politics with anything more than a curious disdain.
on sunday we went to lynn headwaters and hiked all day. we've got good stamina. with water and snacks, we could do something more serious. as it was, we chanced giardia and cryptosporidium by drinking from norvan creek. it was delicious. i've been skeptical of the 'most liveable city' title, but i felt it on sunday. this city is beautiful. perhaps we will go to belcarra next week? or a hike on top of buntzen lake?
i got quite drunk off of several gin and tonics. in fact, far more drunk than i should have been. i attribute it to the exercise and dehydration earlier in the day. maybe i had a parasite after all? i was mixing them in a bombay sapphire bottle again, which feels so wonderfully classy. it's a gorgeous colour.
we really will be moving. we spent some time in the new townhouse tonight and it is very nice. i can sleep well thinking of how to lay out my den and organise my bookshelves. the kitchen is beautiful; new everything. beaonca, who moved out, left us two frozen pounds of ground beef and a 2 litre jar of sauerkraut. we will eat the beef but will happily send the sauerkraut to a good home. maybe we will have a sauerkraut party? we've got a gorgeous washer and dryer setup as well. it feels like a place where adults would live. the courtyard will be fine, if a bit barren. perhaps a housewarming in august.
i simply can't focus on my polisci paper. i'll try again at school tomorrow. i can't feel the crunch, the pressure. i'm hoping that moving will kickstart me. 4000 words; 6 days. only preliminary research done so far.
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