things that are terrible

listening to scott walker's tilt now. after eight glacial minutes of 'bouncer see bouncer', 'manhattan' absolutely explodes. i've been reading acres of text about how difficult and obtuse this album is. i love it; it's surprisingly accessible, but then i guess anything would be given the hype. 'the most difficult album that is worth working at'. yeah, it's worth it. this album matters! i will buy climate of hunter next. i regret not picking it up when i was downtown this afternoon. scratch has a copy! no one has copies of tilt or the drift. what do i put on after tilt? ah, randomly, saint etienne, 'he's on the phone'. i love everything.
i've decided to go back to canlit after second foundation is done. with luck, i'll be able to finish it tomorrow. next up is minus time, by catherine bush. it is about family alienation in the 1990s, made concrete by the mother's career as an astronaut going for a space endurance record, literally disconnected from earth. i picked it up on a whim, and am eager for it to be good. i worry that it will be sub-par instant zeitgeist pastiche. i hope that it will say something to me about my life. i also got my fifth sharon butala book, and the first in her loose trilogy, before luna and the fourth archangel. both novels are flawed, i feel, but i enjoy reading them. gates of the sun will be up after minus time. i am saving delillo's libra for the semester break.
there are days that i just want to curl up with art, any art. records and books. not even a consistent novel, but snippets and shards. bits of prose.
i picked up photos today for the first time since 2003, when we lived on dundas. my camera is back with vancam, but i shoiuld be able to pick it up again in 10 days with a repaired light meter. the photos i took without it are good, but consistently over-exposed. some are very, very nice, though.
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