satellites as cultural death stars

- the liberal leadership race is a gong show. volpe is a crook. kennedy is a slave to ethnic ward bosses. ignatieff is a grouchy old man. brison is an impetuous snot. rae is a dud. fry is just loopy. bevilacqua is an unrepentant free-trader. bennett is a patrician. dion was pied! dryden is just really fucking dull. i admire hall-findlay, and would happily vote for her, were i under duress. her rejoinder to brison re. his vote to stay in afghanistan for several more years was on point: he suggested that avoiding an unfavourable headline in the new york times was of key importance, and she hit the obvious comeback. i saved a poster from SFU advertising an upcoming appearance of hers in coquitlam; rather than showcase her own photo, the sheet had a headshot of wilfred laurier.
- i got through the day without any diphenhydramine; i can only hope that the season is subsiding.
- today i got through the battle for north africa and most of the eastern front. on wednesday i will read about the home front and news reporting/propaganda. i am approx. two (2) weeks behind in my british empire readings. i hope to work on those on wednesday and thursday. possibly tomorrow as well.
- when i finish isaac asimov's second foundation i will either read the orange r or delillo's players.
it is also possible that i will read some star trek novels. TOS #39 - bloodthirst!
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