let me lead you into love

we've moved. it's an adult house. an upstairs, a downstairs, a courtyard/patio, a real kitchen, laundry. we got a new bookshelf and it is already 2/3 full. it's nice to be surrounded by books and records again. i can feel stress rolling off of me. an 8 month move, man. we're not quite organised, but almost enough to feel settled. from our windows we can hear the skytrain in grandview cut and the signal at the crosswalk telling blind people that it's time to go.
i'm stalled at 1200 words now, and i'll be having jan deliver my paper to the polysci depertment on wednesday for 5% off in late marks. this lets me work all day at the library tomorrow. i had to come home early today, and was only at the library between 12 and 5, due to a 7.30 co-op meeting. since 2003 i have been doing the bulk of my paper writing at the library, and it really works for me. i invariably meet caelie there, but it's ok because we're both working on papers, albeit of different scales. we provide each other with mutual decompression.
i'm not stuck, just stalled. i write in chaotic chunks. i'll leave paragraphs unfinished, and jump around, so that any time that i get stuck on the phrasing of a certain thought i can jump to another. it's a strategy for maintaining momentum. there's always a thought to finish. i can't work at home anymore. there's just too much else going on. books. so many books.
working vacation this week; a trip through central washington with university administrators and some student society teammates. i think they hate me. the latter, that is. it makes for a funny dynamic, feeling distrusted and disliked by fellow students but comfortable and freewheeeling with administrators. we're spending the night in ellensburg. ellensburg has the highest number of coffee cafes per capita in the world. 34% of the 15,000 residents are below the poverty line.
i have a book titled nuclear choices. it's a not a metaphor, though it easily could be. is it a double entendre if the second meaning is merely the first-as-metaphor? i was trying to work last night, and ended up reading pieces of nuclear choices and vancouver: from milltown to metropolis. see, this is becoming a definite problematic.
my bicycle is in the courtyard, which will certainly incline me towards running smaller errands on it. when i have to fetch it from a different space, it feels like an adventure rather than daily life. i rode to and from the baseball game with rich and his friend aaron on saturday night. our team went from 0-3 to 4-3 in the bottom of the eighth! such excitement. baseball makes me want to read don delillo.
sean is coming back this fall. i hope that we'll do a lot of hiking together. he'll be for me what i am for amanda. we have to get her to my level so that sean can help us both.
internationalisation in post-secondary education. GATS. globalisation. institutional drivers. IBT. i'm using my own meetings this spring as references for this paper. i'm writing about my own work. it's exciting, in a sense; this is the only the second paper i've written that i feel is actually a contribution to our collective knowledge. no one else has written this paper with these sources. no one else has done this work in this context. i know this for a fact. now i am excited. tomorrow, when i'm working at the library, i'll keep that going as a mantra. thousands of people have written about world war II, mussolini, communism, and every possible combination thereof. very few people are writing about internationalisation in post secondary education. even fewer are writing about it in the BC context. even fewer are writing about SFU, and none of them, as far as i know, sat on senate or SCUP during this spring's IBT discussions.
"sean is coming back this fall. i hope that we'll do a lot of hiking together. he'll be for me what i am for amanda. we have to get her to my level so that sean can help us both."
I read this twice before I realized you were talking about physical stamina.
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