tired of working

-we camped at golden ears last summer. i read 'the decline and fall of the habsburg empire' and 'mao II'. on the trip there and back we listened to the 5th dimension. i'll never forget it.
-what if, years from now, my only memories are those that i write down here? personal histories are just as fallible as any other. it's like turning on a flashlight. when it's out, you can see everything kinda. when it's on, you can see what's the light is focused on really well, but everything else is completely obscured. so it goes with history. so it goes.
-i am not tired of working. in fact, i had a wonderful day at work. i was part of the full-day retreat of the student services strategic planning team (group? task force?). it was fun. i made a speech about engagement being different today than before; a student who is unengaged with their campus community may simply be engaged elsewhere, and will not easily switch allegiance. this is an effect of, among many other things, identity politics, and is not something that we should fight. we need to accept that the SFU brand won't be the centre of everyone's life while they attend school. it was a nice building as well: the new segal school of business. it's open to the public, essentially. i'm going to use it as a nice quiet place to read while downtown.
-communication and reporting lines are crucial to organizational development. just as we are working hard to clarify these in student services, i am acknowledging their stupid weakness in the student society and dealing with their total, even stupider breakdown in my co-op. i am tired of the co-op. it makes me feel guilty, because i feel that there is more i could do, and blaming problems on a lack of competent support staff is simply to easy, however valid an issue it may be.
-a man on the skytrain home proclaimed that he was tired of working. he asked the skytrain attendant if she was on or off duty. she was off. she remarked that she loved working.
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