traces of the western slopes

alt title: uranium hexaflouride.
i'll be going to yale tomorrow. i love the fraser valley, and am eager to cross the bridge at hope. agassiz, lytton, boston bar, yale.
i am now 23, and 81 credits into an undergraduate degree. i put together a c.v. last night, and had trouble putting anything down under 'university relations officer'. asking for references was a huge ego rush, i must admit. what have i done this year? a lot, i believe. while i inherited a good portfolio, i am leaving it better than ever. i was asked to run for president next year, today. i could graduate next year. i could do a lot of things in my life at that point. i was asked tonight if i was doing my masters. yesterday, someone guessed my major as 'business administration'. have i assimilated the language so well? i am good with language. i love it. i was repeating the names of timber companies yesterday over a beer. weyerhaeuser, timberwest, macmillan bloedel, norske canada. on mitchell island, the shipping containers are piled higher than the knight street bridge. maersk. the dubai ports authority owns the port of newark, new jersey. they bought it. in dubai, they've built an indoor ski hill. there was a picture in the globe and mail of men in white robes and long beards skiing, wearing sunglasses. aviator frames.
we had dinner at a restaurant in coos bay while camping at eel creek. we sat next to a wide window which looked out onto a slough. the fog was very thick, and we couldn't see very far. we haven't been to port alberni since last summer, i believe. port renfrew, tahsis, bamfield, ucluelet. hartley bay is at the mouth of the inlet that leads to kitimat. skeena, north coast, bulkley valley-stikine, peace river north, prince george-omineca. takla landing.
i've taken out a book from the library about millenials. the book is about my generation, about me. those of us for whom the cold war was not a formative experience, but the world trade centre's collapse was. i am afraid to read this book. knowing what the leading authorities on my generation believe they know about me, i fear i will be constantly conscious of my actions and thoughts. am i being typical? and i being atypical? purposefully? i am afraid that it will change me.
the world trade centre's collapse, i.e. the collapse of the centre of world trade. rather than read my millennials book, i am reading dark age ahead, by jane jacobs. i hope that it changes me.
i've also dropped my camera off for a full tune-up. it has been unstable for about three years now, and will cost roughly $150 to fix. i pick it up monday.