cities in flight
+ i forgot that i had a ticket to see stereolab; i was playing guitar at home and i reached for my capo and it happened to be hanging from a push-pin that was pinning up my ticket to see stereolab. i missed most of the opening act, ok, but i saw stereolab again and i'm glad that i did.
i would check concert listings every week. i would keep track, daily, of who was coming, when, what my day would be like, how i would build my day to focus on the rock show that i had to go to.
this was not really about telegraphing my identity, either, because would go to shows alone. if i went with a friend, as i did sometimes once i started at SFU, i would feel vaguely awkward. i went to rock shows but it was always a secret. enemy territory.
"i go to rock shows. i wear rock show t-shirts. but it's not who i am." this is, essentially, what i wanted to telegraph. a complex system of clicks and whistles.
+ now i read books all morning, in the kitchen. i turn on all the lights, put on a record, and drink coffee. i read the paper and then i read a book.