
they have specialised shoes now, mall walkers. they have treads designed for the untextured tile floors of malls, expanses and soft carpets inside stores. seniors groups meet in malls to walk, around and around. it's a safe, controlled environment.
i still get lost in metrotown. i finally understood what was going on there, two different malls, joined by a bridge, when they renovated into one mall. now i'm lost again. i still remember how excited i was to visit the open-air mall north of everett last september. it was a visit to the heart of the beast.
+ the theft of copper wire fascinates me too. thieves are digging holes, finding trunk cables, pulling out the copper wire, taking it out to sell. terry fox had nothing to do with prince george but he trained there, once. so, they have a statue. he was a student at SFU, apparently, which matters quite a bit, apparently - we have a statue too. the prince george statue looks like it is made of copper, but it's really made of plastic or alloy or something, but the thieves tried to knock the head off. melt it down, sell the copper. the 'subprime mortgage crisis' has led to lots of vacant, abandoned homes across the united states. people are breaking in, thieves, stealing copper wire.
+ i've been reading lord jim for a while now. it's a relatively fast read when i sit down with it but i'm not especially interested in it anymore. the 60 pages of an unsinking ship to start were marvelous, but the patusan section is dull. i'll tough it out, but then what? i've got a lot to read.
+ taking the helijet back from victoria, we went low over richmond at twilight, the roads like arteries. i followed the highway to the massey tunnel and out the other end, lonsdale up the mountain, higher and higher and ending, turning to the left. i don't know the gulf islands but i saw them, sun off of the lonely houses, docks and boats.
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