the road goes no further than before

-i took the dog out two hours ago, and the ground was clear. since then it has snowed considerably! how exciting!
-i've saved an article from last saturday's globe and mail titled the killing machine. it is about the bird flu virus. i want all of you that doubt bird flu to read it. the killing machine.
-i've been in a stump all week. there are several reasons for this.
-tonight i found the diaryland website that i wrote some 250+ entries on between 2000-2003. i will not provide a link yet, as i'm not sure how comfortable i am sending everyone over there. it's autobiography, though, and i am glad it still exists on the internet as the archives i'd made on my old computer are gone. the title of the website: everyday, rock and roll is saving my life. i still appreciate the sentiment!
-i've really been enjoying gar's dream synopses. last night i had a dream too. the other side of 12th avenue was different: there were still houses, but they were on the edge of a long slope, thick with dry grass. there are similar fields in south surrey. i was on a bike ride west across town with my father and sister. i knew they were there, but they never entered the narrative. we got to victoria, where in each direction there were only fields. after commercial, 12th avenue became a dirt lane, with worn rocks. then there were buildings, small buildings, and big elm trees. not afternoon anymore, either, but on a bright summer day. this was main street. we went south several blocks and turned west into a lane. cobblestones. there was a brass band playing. still west, past the band, across a field with very loose, rocky soil and then into a series of garages, somehow connected underground by plywood passageways. the last one led to a set of stairs that opened into what was definitely the garage of my home in surrey. it was quite different. either were were moving in or someone else was moving in. still a summer day. this was the end of a much longer dream, i am sure, but that is all i can recollect.
-i'd go to bed, but i don't want to miss the snow.
i really like reading dreams.
I had to take my road test in the snow and then drive to SFU while it was snowing so thick you couldn't see 5 feet in front of you. Everyone was going 20-30km an hour and we were all sliding everywhere. It was not cool.
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